#PrayForBelgium in New York


Tonight at the 9/11 memorial.
This morning I woke up to horrific news about a terror attack on Belgium. Right now my internet is not good, I’m leaving New York in a few hours, but I feel I still have to post it. Of all days, it was today when I visited the 9/11 memorial. There is so much I want to say, and I will, when I have more time. So far, I am just shocked and saddened about the news. I kept thinking about the futuristic ways to address terrorism. Do we scan the  crowd for weapon and explosives? Or maybe we scan the crowd for murderous and suicidal thoughts? One way or another, I am in pain over Belgium incident. Ive been to thatvairport many times. I feel that my world is shrinking. This is a wake up call for everyone. While we all think how to fix the terroristm problem, let’s send prayers and compassion to the wounded and deceased.

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