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1st Issue of the Scaffolding Magazine in Print! @ScaffoldingMag #scifi #startup #indieauthor


Super exciting news! Scaffolding Magazine is in print now! You can buy a hardcopy on today!

Scaffolding is a literary and art magazine that strives to publishing diverse and unique voices. We match visual artists and writers to create a unique reader experience. We also feature editorials about diversity, social issues, popular culture etc. Our mission is to become a vehicle for discoverability of up-and-coming artists.

The first issue is packed with content! On the 80 pages you will find short fiction, editorials, humor, and lots of exciting personalities from around the world! So far we offer only a print version, but shortly we will release a digital and audio versions as well.

Check out also one of the contributors to the first issue – author of Blood Dragons and Blood Shackles Rosemary A. Johns. Scaffolding Magazine interviewed Rosemary about her writing, diversity and inclusion in fiction, and lots of personal revelations from the author.

Here is the trailer to the interview:

Here is the Part 1 of the full interview:

Part 2 of this exciting interview will be posted shortly, subscribe to the youtube channel.

I hope you are intrigued! Please comment below and spread the news. Some of you may remember that I have started this initiative in August of last year, and finally the magazine came to fruition. I honestly did not anticipate the amount of work it will take for producing a magazine. I mean, I knew it will be a challenge. But I did not realize that my own life will be getting in my way all the time. But enough excuses. From now on, we will be working on the quarterly schedule. Check out our submissions page if you are interested in contributing to the next issue. There is no specific deadline, we accept submissions all year round. Just follow the simple submission guidelines. Also, I encourage you to subscribe to the newsletter on the web site to receive prompt updates and submission calls.

Friends, I encourage you to support this initiative and buy the magazine because the mission of the magazine is to help up-and-coming authors and artists to be discovered. We offer 60% of net profits to the contributors, and in the future we are committed to pay upfront as well. For that we need to have a successful launch and show some promise.

I would greatly appreciate your comments about the magazine and your ideas how to improve it. Please keep in mind that this preview is optimized for print and may not be the  best for digital devices, however, in print it looks fantastic.

Live long and prosper!


Ellie Maloney & the Scaffolding Magazine

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