Bionic Snake. My Existential Purge

Photo Nikolay Kovalchinskiy Makeup Anna Sidyuk 

This fast new world scares you. It corners you. It diminishes you. You find yourself increasingly in a bigger crowd, but your voice is drowned.


It scares me as well. But I think that rather than building walls, shutting windows, and turning off the lights, perhaps we as species should evolve. What we will be like? I remember when cell phones and internet did not run my life. It was only briefly, when I was a child, so I had time to adapt, to grow into this wired skin. You perhaps are older, and lived longer outside the net. You remember writing long hand-written letters. You remember thinking through your sentences before blurting them on your typewriter. You remember when prices in the store were lower. You remember walking down the stairs to pick up the landline phone.

Life was perhaps simpler.

Our next generation will spit us out like rusted, useless relics from the past. Their brains will work differently. Their relationships will unfold differently. I am jealous of their prowess and resolve. They know the right answers. They are on the right side of the arguments. They don’t question their steps the same way like we do. Liberation, emancipation, desegregation, inclusion, acceptance are their banners. For that, I admire them.

I pause and contemplate. I doubt that we, the relics, have any say in the issue. We are caught up in this world, like in quick sand, for better or worse. We are trapped in our news feeds, hashtags, key words, SEO optimizations, polarized content diet. We are dragged along in silos. There are as many Americas and as many Europes as the google ad optimized categories. We are consuming, no, devouring ourselves, like that snake eating it’s own tale. Whatever we like, follow, share, and retweet, grooves us deeper and deeper into self-perpetuated social check-boxes.

I want to get out of it, get a bird’s eye view of the world, rise above smog, traffic, politics, and noise, but I have no such luxury. I don’t own all the pieces to the puzzle. I cannot guaranty authentication of anything, neither emails that I am getting, the software I’m constantly installing an updating, nor the news that I’m consuming. For all I know, we all could be dead by now.

We always lived in the past. Everything we see, by the time light reflects of it, already happened. And we always had blind spots. Our brain always filled in for the lack of a comprehensive picture. We always lived in uncertainty. In fact, uncertainty is the only certain thing about human existence. But now we become obsolete every second. I constantly feel like I am behind, on everything. I used to have time. Now I don’t have time, my days have shrunk, my output seems minimal. My days seem like a loop, locked in rotation symmetry, each point of which is indistinguishable from another.

I want to stop. I want to start over. And if I, like that snake, am forced to devour my own tail, I might as well try to shed my skin and grow a new one, with a responsible interface, with apps for processing terabytes of data, with firewalls and encryptions…

The physical walls are obsolete, my friend. We already are in a maze of digital walls.

Rejoice, here I come, the Bionic Snake.






  1. I like the message here. what’s interesting is that it seems the older generation are obsoleting themselves. in Britain were told that the older generation rejected the EU and have left us to deal with whatever comes next. like you say we’re already joined together, it’s unavoidable.
    I like the image of the snake, it’s pretty ancient, called Ouroboros.
    hope you’re well Ellie ☺️

  2. I’ll post that here now, so you know who it is…

    I like the message here. what’s interesting is that it seems the older generation are obsoleting themselves. in Britain were told that the older generation rejected the EU and have left us to deal with whatever comes next. like you say we’re already joined together, it’s unavoidable.
    I like the image of the snake, it’s pretty ancient, called Ouroboros.
    hope you’re well Ellie ☺️

    1. oh Simon that was you! lol thanks! Sorry about the EU thing, it must be scary lol. My piece was inspired by all the tech around me, all the programs, corporations, you know, the brave new world. I feel obsolete at times, and there are folks who will never catch up, more obsolete than me……

      1. Yup, it was me.
        I know what you mean, but you know we can adapt as humans if we let ourselves. The was no internet until I was in my 20’s and I’ve copied with how is gone so far. I’m sure you will too.
        Being open to change is the key, being closed is where the walls go up and that’s not good. ☺️

        1. Yeah, that’s how i think as well. I end up being a Bionic Snake at the end. And I don’t even like snakes. It’s not a happy transition lol. I think I will be that ridiculous nerd snake among really cool bionic snakes. 🙂

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