Jalapeno Score: 37/50 Overall Impression:  “The Long Way to F*n Nowhere…” Don’t get me wrong, I think Becky Chambers is a talented writer, I really do. I think she has ideas and active imagination. But there is something fundamentally lacking in the book, and it is plot. Imagine you started building the house from the […]

Read Exclusive Interview with Branden Frankel! Jalapeno Score: 42/50 Overall Impression:  Oh so sad, melodramatic, and dreary this “Snowfall on Mars” is. And I loved it. It had a decent amount of terraformation science, hardships on a hostile planet, quirks of a degraded and disillusioned society, religious cult extremes reminiscent of Holocaust or Jonestown massacre, gripping […]

Who influences our thinking? Donald Trump? Caitlyn Jenner? J.K. Rowling? Jesus? No, No and No. According to The Telegraph (2015), these 10 spectacular personalities. Apparently, the criteria for the selection was “based on social media followers, number of books published, media appearances, catch phrase creation, amount of viral memes and fan base nicknames”. If you, like myself, […]

To stargazers and techies, To book grazers and skimmers,    To starship and AI dreamers,  To E.T. chasers and time travelers, To warp engineers and string theorists, To black hole and Higgs Bozon scholars,  To dark matter and dark energy ponderers, And to all of us, awe struck with the science and poetry of the universe, […]