It’s kind of a bragging slash review update post. I just finished a 8.000 word short story in the Ulysses and wanted to update you on my experience with  the app. In short, the Ulysses app so far still rocks. It crashed once for an unknown reason, but  I suspect it is more of my […]

New York is many things. There is no one way to describe this city, and probably this picture illustrates it eloquently. First, psychic shops all over the city. Literally, everywhere. Evidently, the New Yorkers routinely consult the witches on issues of the day. Second, hat shops. Just when you think hats are a relique of […]

These days New York was mostly grey. However, if there was one color that stood out, it was yellow. NYC Yellow Cab. To start from the obvious, the iconic Yellow Cab. Despite Uber’s expansion, cabs are doing OK in New York. That’s because the ‘real’ New-Yorkers ride the Yellow. I took a picture of this […]