Killed It! Check Out The Complete Season 1 of the “Million Deaths of Lt. Mazula” Series #FreeNovel #FreeSCiFi #SciFi #Free


Hey folks! Just a quick update. I just published the final episode of the “Million Deaths of Lt. Mazula” Season 1. Half an hour ago I typed ‘the end‘, and although I did it before, but this is the first time when these words went public. I am ecstatic! In two months, I wrote over 25.000 words that turned into a complete novella. To be honest, I did not expect it, because I started the series to  have something to publish on my blog on a regular basis. It seems that in the final episode, I resolved all the plot lines, and left a cliffhanger for the next season. This is not the kind of a cliffhanger like in the X-Files, for example, when the plot just milks the suspense as long as possible without providing any resolution. By the end of the season, you will have pretty much all the answers to the questions dispersed through the season. The only question left is, what’s going to happen next. Is there going to be a war between humans and Unkari? That’s the biggest question.

As a reward to myself, I am rushing to pack my luggage. New York City is just a day away, with all the broadway shows, pizza, comedy clubs and jazz lined up. I don’t know if I can handle this much excitement!

That being said, I don’t know how often I will be able to write here for the next two weeks. But I’ll keep good notes and will tell you all about it later. That’s a promise!

Take care!



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