My Interview On the Pop Roxx Radio! Plus New Songs from Mister Falcon!

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Hi there! I took a long break from blogging. Now I have so many news that I don’t know where to start. So I’ll start from the most recent one. I am excited to finally release ‘329 Years Awake’ on October 8, 2017. This book started on this blog and your comments and encouragement took me through the first rough draft. Thank you for putting up with my stories. Also I’ve been invited to the Pop Roxx Radio where I had a great chat with an artist and the show host Jamie Roxx. Take a listen!

This radio appearance was also a debut air of Mister Falcon and his debut album “Music in Space-Time”, which is now on iTunes, Amazon and other music platforms. Mister Falcon and I have a great partnership. His album will be used in the audio book version of 329 Years Awake. Also he wrote a special song for the book, which is also titled 329 Years Awake. The album is very ‘sci fi’, which is so perfect for my book.

Thanks for stoping by! Looking forward to share more news with you soon!

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