Another Exciting Interview Coming Up: Jennifer F. Wells


Friends, I am ecstatic! Today another writer agreed to interview for my blog. Before you know it, I’ll turn into Greta Van Susteren!

Me, after reading too many sci fi books. Oh wait, it’s Greta…

I have read Fluency, Wells’ debut novel, in 2014, and for several months I was literally pacing the carpet waiting for the sequel. But this is how long I had to wait. Remanence aired this April, and I hear that the fans are pretty ecstatic. Unfortunately Fluency cannot participate in the Jalapeño Fiction Award this year, because only novels published in 2015  are admitted. Although I already purchased my copy of Remanence, I’ll have to wait the next year to review it, but I’m sure I’ll read it sooner.

As to the Fluency, there are a few things that stood out for me. I loved how it started with the present-day NASA technology. The astronauts actually had to take a crawl speed to get to that asteroid belt, and it made it feel realistic. Then the story takes leaps and bounds of imagination, and keeps us in suspense till the end. Also, it has a (somewhat) controversial love scene. Evidently some people were ‘not cool’ with some romance in the Sci Fi story. Ok, I don’t want to spoil it for you, but the scene is not your normal Harlequin romance type (however, I can only  guess what kind of romance is in those books, I don’t read that stuff). Yes, Jen’s scene is steamy. But it’s like ‘Alien’ meets Mila Jovovich in the ‘Blue Lagoon’ meets ‘Silence of the Lambs’ or something like that. Intrigued? I’d like to talk to Jen about this issue in the interview, if I get a chance.

Look for the interview in the nearest future and check out Jen’s books while you are at it.


Your Greta Van Susteren (a.k.a. Ellie Maloney)

Look for the previous interviews here. 


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